Tuesday 29 April 2014

First Ideas

Our first ideas were exploring something that we have altready studied, but did not delve deeply into.

We discussed;


We then discussed what methods we are comfortable in, and decided on improvisation. We felt that improvisation with identity and gender is something we explored in the Gecko workshops, and wanted to push ourselves. We then ruled out Roles, as it would not fit in with the improvisation in site specific work.
This left us with spectatorship and site specific work, which work well together.

Theoretical frameworks

The potentials of space by A Oddley (2006) was a framework we looked into. It discussed online the theory of sceneography, and touched on space. From this book we took on several points, such as the importance of space in dance, and the impact of changing space. We also drew on the booklet given to us by Sarah Alexander on Site Specific work. From this we begun our research in the library on practitioners and there work involving space and audience placement.

Goodbye for now =)

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