Sunday 11 May 2014

Exploring the role of memory in Improvisation

"when improvising, where thought and intuition are merged, the mind is said to just tell your body how to move".

People with high working memory capacity generated more original and novel ideas than those with low working memory capacity. People with high working memory capacity were also more persistent than those with low working memory capacity. That is, they generated lots of ideas within a category. Other statistical analyses suggest that this difference in persistence explains the difference in the originality of people’s ideas.

This may take affect whilst improvising regarding whether the individual has a high working memory capacity or a low one.

In order to be creative, it is important to get beyond familiar ideas. Chances are, when you start thinking about something,  the first few things you come up with will be variations on ideas you have encountered in the past. Only after you think through those more mundane ideas are you likely to start really generating something new.

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