Tuesday 6 May 2014

Reflection on todays presentation- 6th May

In today's session we got the chance to present our project and the research we had gathered so far to the group and through the means of a workshop try out some practical activities to gain additional evidence to enable us to progress further in our project.

We decided to show our presentation first on the basis that it would give our participants a clear idea of our project and prepare them for the workshop. Once we had done the presentation we received feedback from the tutors. 

They were pleased with the amount of research that we had done and could see that we had put in a lot of effort but they were concerned that we were focusing too much on how people learn dance in a scientific/psychological way and that our project seemed too educational. We were advised that we had not looked enough at how we would use choreography to test our research enquiries. They were also worried that the research we were doing was too broad and not specific enough. Although saying this they also said that a lot of research projects such as this begin as being quite broad and become more refined as they progress, which is what we hope will happen with ours.

As a result we did not end up doing our workshop, postponing it till Thursday so that we can make some changes. 

Going forward we have decided to brainstorm and look more specifically at how we can look at memory and dance from a choreographic perspective. We will also plan our next practical session with this in mind.

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