Monday 12 May 2014


Activity One:

a) In our first practical session we will present the participants with a tray of 7 objects - the number recommended for short term maximum memory. This tray will be covered up and will be revealed to the participants for 7-10 seconds. This will allow them to notice and pick out any item of significance to then create improvised movement using their chosen objects as stimulus.

Each participant will pick their object, create movement and then write down how they responded to the object in their notebook ie shape, colour, texture or for its literal use. They will then repeat this process however they will be given a different way of responding to the movement the second time. This is to draw them out of their comfort zone and allow inorganic movement to occur.

b) The secong half of the session will be a chance for the girls to use memory and instinct more in a five minute installment. They will be allowed to come in and out of the space as they please, performing either of their own two motifs. We will develop this further by allowing them to use others choreography and motifs to create a collage effect of all of their own personal styles. This will be the starting point and the stimulus for the rest of the choreography created.

Activity Two:

Memory and emotion exercise - We will read the participants two seperate lists of 7 words.

EMOTIONS (example) sad, angry etc...

MEMORY (example) water, love etc...

Each participant will pick one word from each column and create a short motif linking the two words together drawing on memorable experiences. Example: water and sadness reinacting a drowning experience.

We hope that these experiments will allow us to practically answer and explore our research questions as well as giving us movement for choreography. The whole process will be documented on film, blog and notepad.

1 comment:

  1. Activity one worked and engaged in terms of creating movement, personally I haven't got a great memory so I found this quite difficult! I feel the objects you had chosen were highly significant and had their own character which made the movement interesting and instinctual. To further this, you could consider creating a piece through improvisation of the objects to show in the lecture demonstration?
